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Tax Day is Monday, April 18, 2016
Tax Day is NOT April 15th this Year “April 15th” is infamous. Simply speaking this…

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Go Blue to Protect Florida Children Blue ribbons and pinwheels adorn businesses and homes alike…

Do I have to pay the ACA Penalty for not having health insurance?
For many taxpayers without health insurance, the 2015 tax year is going to sting a…

Can I take the Home Office Deduction?
Chances are, if you are asking this question, you probably don’t qualify to take the…

Florida Tops the List of Business-Friendly Tax States
Florida’s tax climate is much more welcoming than those of neighboring states, Alabama and Georgia.…

Broward County Judge Rules in Same Sex Divorce Case
A Way In Requires A Way Out Seventeenth Circuit Court Judge Dale Cohen ruled today…

Judge Rules Florida Same Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional
The Right to Marry is a Fundamental Right In Florida same sex marriage equality made…
Nascar Race for the Chase
Tax Breaks for Tracks Today marks the end of the season for the NASCAR Sprint…

Only Robots Remain to Help Taxpayers
IRS Automation Works Against Taxpayers Filing with Extension Government Shutdown Means No Help for Taxpayers…

We Know Tax . It Runs in Our Blood .
Trusted Tax Experience The Priest Firm, LLC is so very proud of Misty Priest’s sister,…